Farewell to Yanyan and Hugo!
Congratulations to Yanyan and Hugo for moving on to next steps! It has been a delight having them both in the lab. Yanyan will be moving to Baylor College of Medicine after working with Ansu for the past 5 years. She was instrumental in opening the lab and played a major role in many projects […]
16 December 2020
Welcome to Markus, Karen, and Andy!
We are delighted to have several new rotation students in the lab: Markus (Immunology), Karen (Biology), and Andy (Bioengineering). And welcome back to Meelad, who was a Data Analyst in the lab previously and is now a rotation student from the Immunology PhD program!
The lab has received funding from JDRF and Lupus Research Alliance!
We are grateful to be funded by a grant from JDRF and Lupus Research Alliance that will support the lab’s work on novel technologies for understanding mechanisms of autoimmune disease.
15 December 2020
Congratulations to Julia, Yanyan, and Aditi on their SARS-CoV-2 ChIRP-MS paper!
This was a great collaboration between our lab, the Wilen lab at Yale, and the Bertozzi, Carette, and Chang labs at Stanford. The preprint for their work is available now: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.10.06.327445v1.
7 October 2020
The Satpathy Lab is excited to begin research as part of the 4DN network!
We are grateful to be members of the Common Fund’s 4D Nucleome (4DN) program, an NIH initiative to study the three-dimensional organization of the nucleus in space and time. Find out more about the program here: https://commonfund.nih.gov/4dnucleome.
5 October 2020
Congratulations to Kevin for his CD19 work published in Cell!
The study of CD19 expression in brain mural cells and its implication for CAR-T immunotherapy is out now in Cell. Read more about it here. Some additional exciting news– Kevin also defended his Ph.D. thesis and has started a company, Cartography Biosciences. Congratulations, Kevin!
2 October 2020
The Satpathy Lab is excited to begin COVID-19 research supported by Fast Grants!
We are grateful for rapid funding from Fast Grants and Emergent Ventures, which will enable the lab to study the cellular and molecular basis of durable immunity to SARS-CoV-2. Fast Grants (https://fastgrants.org)Emergent Ventures (https://www.mercatus.org/emergent-ventures)
19 April 2020
New T cell exhaustion story featuring the lab is out now in Nature Methods!
In a new technology feature published in Nature Methods covering recent advancements and efforts in the study of T cell exhaustion and cancer, Ansu shares his insights into how single-cell data can be used to understand the development of T cell exhaustion. Read the full story here. Marx, V. Cancer labs reach beyond exhausted T […]
19 March 2020
Congrats to Yanyan and Kevin on their new paper out in Science!
Read more about their work on CRISPR-engineered T cells in patients with refractory cancer here.
6 February 2020