Charting the tumor antigen maps drawn by single-cell genomics

Lareau CA, Parker KR, Satpathy AT.
Cancer Cell, 12 December 2021

ecDNA hubs drive cooperative intermolecular oncogene expression

Hung KL, Yost KE, Xie L, Shi Q, Helmsauer K, Luebeck J, Schöpflin R, Lange JT, Chamorro González R, Weiser NE, Chen C, Valieva ME, Wong IT, Wu S, Dehkordi SR, Duffy CV, Kraft K, Tang J, Belk JA, Rose JC, Corces MR, Granja JM, Li R, Rajkumar U, Friedlein J, Bagchi A, Satpathy AT, Tjian R, Mundlos S, Bafna V, Henssen AG, Mischel PS, Liu Z, Chang HY.
Nature, 24 November 2021

Single-cell multiomics defines tolerogenic extrathymic Aire-expressing populations with unique homology to thymic epithelium

Wang J, Lareau CA, Bautista JL, Gupta AR, Sandor K, Germino J, Yin Y, Arvedson MP, Reeder GC, Cramer NT, Xie F, Ntranos V, Satpathy AT, Anderson MS, Gardner JM.
Science Immunology, 12 November 2021

Archetypes of checkpoint-responsive immunity

Im K, Combes AJ, Spitzer MH, Satpathy AT, Krummel MF.
Trends Immunology, 1 November 2021

Combined presentation and immunogenicity analysis reveals a recurrent RAS.Q61K neoantigen in melanoma

Peri A, Greenstein E, Alon M, Pai JA, Dingjan T, Reich-Zeliger S, Barnea E, Barbolin C, Levy R, Arnedo-Pac C, Kalaora S, Dassa B, Feldmesser E, Shang P, Greenberg P, Levin Y, Benedek G, Levesque MP, Adams DJ, Lotem M, Wilmott JS, Scolyer RA, Jönsson GB, Admon A, Rosenberg SA, Cohen CJ, Niv MY, Lopez-Bigas N, Satpathy AT, Friedman N, Samuels Y.
J Clin Invest, 15 October 2021

NOT-Gated CD93 CAR T Cells Effectively Target AML with Minimized Endothelial Cross-Reactivity

Richards RM, Zhao F, Freitas KA, Parker KR, Xu P, Fan A, Sotillo E, Daugaard M, Oo HZ, Liu J, Hong WJ, Sorensen PH, Chang HY, Satpathy AT, Majzner RG, Majeti R, Mackall CL.
Blood Cancer Discovery, 16 September 2021

Dynamic chromatin regulatory landscape of human CAR T cell exhaustion

Gennert DG, Lynn RC, Granja JM, Weber EW, Mumbach MR, Zhao Y, Duren Z, Sotillo E, Greenleaf WJ, Wong WH, Satpathy AT, Mackall CL, Chang HY.
PNAS, 20 July 2021

High-throughput and single-cell T cell receptor sequencing technologies

Pai JA, Satpathy AT.
Nature Methods, 19 July 2021

Identification of presented SARS-CoV-2 HLA class I and HLA class II peptides using HLA peptidomics

Nagler A, Kalaora S, Barbolin C, Gangaev A, Ketelaars SLC, Alon M, Pai J, Benedek G, Yahalom-Ronen Y, Erez N, Greenberg P, Yagel G, Peri A, Levin Y, Satpathy AT, Bar-Haim E, Paran N, Kvistborg P, Samuels Y.
Cell Reports, 29 June 2021

A human mutation in STAT3 promotes type 1 diabetes through a defect in CD8+ T cell tolerance

Warshauer JT, Belk JA, Chan AY, Wang J, Gupta AR, Shi Q, Skartsis N, Peng Y, Phipps JD, Acenas D, Smith JA, Tamaki SJ, Tang Q, Gardner JM, Satpathy AT, Anderson MS.
J Exp Med, 11 June 2021