Notch2-dependent DC2s mediate splenic germinal center responses
Briseno CG, Satpathy AT, Davidson JT, Ferris ST, Dura V, Bagadia P, O’Connor KW, Theisen DJ, Murphy TL, Murphy KM.
PNAS, 16 October 2018
Enhancer connectome nominates target genes of inherited risk variants from inflammatory skin disorders
Jeng MY, Mumbach MR, Granja JM, Satpathy AT, Chang HY, Chang ALS.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 10 October 2018
Expression of the transcription factor ZBTB46 distinguishes human histiocytic disorders of classical dendritic cell origin
Satpathy AT*#, Brown RA*, Gomulia E, Briseno CG, Mumbach MR, Pan Z, Murphy KM, Natkunam Y, Chang HY, Kim J. *contributed equally, #corresponding author
Modern Pathology, 1 September 2018
Integrative analysis of single-cell genomics data by coupled nonnegative matrix factorizations
Duren Z*, Chen X*, Zamanighomi M*, Zeng W, Satpathy AT, Chang HY, Wang Y, Wong W.
PNAS, 24 July 2018
Transcript-indexed ATAC-seq for precision immune profiling
Satpathy AT*, Saligrama N*, Buenrostro JD*, Wei Y, Wu B, Rubin AJ, Granja JM, Li R, Mumbach MR, Lareau CA, Serratelli WS, Gennert DG, Schep AN, Corces MR, Kim YH, Khavari PA, Greenleaf WJ, Davis MM*, Chang HY*. *contributed equally
Nature Medicine, 1 May 2018
Enhancer connectome in primary human cells reveals target genes of disease-associated DNA elements
Mumbach MR*, Satpathy AT*, Boyle EA*, Dai C*, Gowen BG, Cho SW, Nguyen ML, Rubin AJ, Granja JM, Kazane KR, Wei Y, Nguyen T, Greenside PG, Corces MR, Tycko J, Simeonov DR, Suliman N, Li R, Xu J, Flynn RA, Kundaje A, Khavari PA, Marson A, Corn JE, Quertermous T, Greenleaf WJ*, Chang HY*.
Nature Genetics, 1 November 2017
An improved ATAC-seq protocol reduces background and enables interrogation of frozen tissues
Corces MR, Trevino AE, Hamilton EG, Greenside PG, Sinnott-Armstrong NA, Vesuna S, Satpathy AT, Rubin AJ, Montine KS, Wu B, Kathiria A, Cho SW, Mumbach MR, Carter AC, Kasowski M, Orloff LA, Risca VI, Kundaje A, Khavari PA, Montine TJ, Greenleaf WJ*, Chang HY*.
Nature Methods, 1 October 2017
Discovery of stimulation-responsive immune enhancers with unbiased CRISPR activation
Simeonov DR*, Gowen BG*, Boontanrart M, Roth T, Gagnon JD, Mumbach MR, Satpathy AT, Lee Y, Bray NL, Chan A, Lituev DS, Nguyen ML, Gate RE, Subramaniam M, Li Z, Woo JM, Mitros T, Ray GJ, Bray NL, Curie GL, Naddaf N, Chu JS, Ma H, Boyer E, Gool FV, Huang H, Liu R, Tobin VR, Schumann K, Daly MJ, Farh KK, Ansel KM, Ye C, Greenleaf WJ, Anderson MS, Bluestone JA, Chang HY, Corn JE*, Marson A*.
Nature, 7 September 2017
Gene regulation in the immune system by long noncoding RNAs
Chen YG*, Satpathy AT*, Chang HY.
Nature Immunology, 22 August 2017
Revisiting the specificity of the MHC class II transactivator CIITA in classical murine dendritic cells in vivo
Anderson DA, Grajales-Reyes GE, Satpathy AT, Hueichucura CEV, Murphy TL, Murphy KM.
European Journal of Immunology, 2 August 2017