An old BATF’s new T-ricks
Lareau CA, Satpathy AT.
Nature Immunology, 28 September 2020
Reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 and Failure of Humoral Immunity: a case report
Goldman JD, Wang K, Roltgen K, Nielsen SCA, Roach JC, Naccache SN, Yang F, Wirz OF, Yost KE, Lee JY, Chun K, Wrin T, Petropoulos CJ, Lee I, Fallen S, Manner PM, Wallick JA, Algren HA, Murray KM, Su Y, Hadlock J, Jeharajah J, Berrington WR, Pappas GP, Nyatsatsang ST, Greninger AL, Satpathy AT, Pauk JS, Boyd SD, Heath JR.
medRxiv, 25 September 2020
Chromatin Landscape Underpinning Human Dendritic Cell Heterogeneity
Leylek R, Alcántara-Hernández M, Granja JM, Chavez M, Perez K, Diaz OR, Li R, Satpathy AT, Chang HY, Idoyaga J.
Cell Reports, 22 September 2020
Human B Cell Clonal Expansion and Convergent Antibody Responses to SARS-CoV-2
Nielsen SCA, Yang F, Jackson KJL, Hoh RA, Röltgen K, Jean GH, Stevens BA, Lee JY, Rustagi A, Rogers AJ, Powell AE, Hunter M, Najeeb J, Otrelo-Cardoso AR, Yost KE, Daniel B, Nadeau KC, Chang HY, Satpathy AT, Jardetzky TS, Kim PS, Wang TT, Pinsky BA, Blish CA, Boyd SD.
Cell Host Microbe, 3 September 2020
Impaired mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation limits the self-renewal of T cells exposed to persistent antigen
Vardhana SA, Hwee MA, Berisa M, Wells DK, Yost KE, King B, Smith M, Herrera PS, Chang HY, Satpathy AT, van den Brink MRM, Cross JR, Thompson CB.
Nature Immunology, 1 September 2020
CRISPR-engineered T cells in patients with refractory cancer
Stadtmauer EA, Fraietta JA, Davis MM, Cohen AD, Weber KL, Lancaster E, Mangan PA, Kulikovskaya I, Gupta M, Chen F, Tian L, Gonzalez VE, Xu J, Jung I, Melenhorst JJ, Plesa G, Shea J, Matlawski T, Cervini A, Gaymon AL, Desjardins S, Lamontagne A, Salas-Mckee J, Fesnak A, Siegel DL, Levine BL, Jadlowsky JK, Young RM, Chew A, Hwang W, Hexner EO, Carreno BM, Nobles CL, Bushman FD, Parker KR, Qi Y, Satpathy AT, Chang HY, Zhao Y, Lacey SF, June CH.
Science, 6 February 2020
Tracking the immune response with single-cell genomics
Yost KE, Chang HY, Satpathy AT.
Vaccine, 16 December 2019
c-Jun overexpression in CAR T cells induces exhaustion resistance
Lynn RC, Weber EW, Gennert D, Sotillo E, Xu P, Good Z, Anbunathan H, Jones R, Tieu V, Granja J, DeBourcy C, Majzner R, Satpathy AT, Quake SR, Chang HY, Mackall CL.
Nature, 4 December 2019
GWAS for systemic sclerosis identifies multiple risk loci and highlights fibrotic and vasculopathy pathways
López-Isac E, Acosta-Herrera M, Kerick M, Assassi S, Satpathy AT, Granja J, Mumbach MR, Beretta L, Simeón CP, Carreira P, Ortego-Centeno N, Castellvi I, Bossini-Castillo L, Carmona FD, Orozco G, Hunzelmann N, Distler JHW, Franke A, Lunardi C, Moroncini G, Gabrielli A, de Vries-Bouwstra J, Wijmenga C, Koeleman BPC, Nordin A, Padyukov L, Hoffmann-Vold AM, Lie B; European Scleroderma Group†, Proudman S, Stevens W, Nikpour M; Australian Scleroderma Interest Group (ASIG), Vyse T, Herrick AL, Worthington J, Denton CP, Allanore Y, Brown MA, Radstake TRDJ, Fonseca C, Chang HY, Mayes MD, Martin J.
Nature Communications, 31 October 2019
An Nfil3-Zeb2-Id2 pathway imposes Irf8 enhancer switching during cDC1 development
Bagadia P, Huang X, Liu TT, Durai V, Grajales-Reyes GE, Nitschké M, Modrusan Z, Granja JM, Satpathy AT, Briseño CG, Gargaro M, Iwata A, Kim S, Chang HY, Shaw AS, Murphy TL, Murphy KM.
Nature Immunology, 1 September 2019